
DateIDCityTitleDescriptionOne ManpdfimageWorks
01/01/1937 30  Jewish Refugee Aid ?? From NA Article Npdf...
01/01/1938 1 JohannesburgLidchi's Gallery -Jewish Refugee Aid Exhibition 1) Date referred to NPA SA Academy JHB 01/08/44. as 1937 Npdf...
01/01/1939 25 JohannesburgGainsborough Gallery 1) Not much info. Date uncertain. Npdf...
25/01/1940 2 East LondonHoward Shaw Art Gllery 1) NPA East London Daily Dispatch 25/01/40. See HW sketch book. 2) Exhibition of modern black and white drawings. 3) NPA East London Dispatch 26/01/40. Ypdf...
01/08/1944 3 JohannesburgSouth Africa Academy Exhibition 1) Others LIPPI LIPSCHITZ, MOSES KOTTLER, GERARD DE LEEUW 2) Exhibited RUSSIAN GIRL AND RELIGIOUS DISCUSSION 3) 2/8/2010 LW - Is only record of this NA number pdf id 011 1944-08-02 Star. Only mentions Russian Girl - not Religoius Discussion. VW typed description mentions Religous Discussion. Freya to scan this as Catalog. Npdf...
14/09/1944 4 JohannesburgDuncan Hall 44 1) Opened S Barnett Potter. 2) 26 Plaster, 7 Wood, 1 Cement, 4 Bronzes, 1 Marble 3) NA Article. The Star 1944. J.W.v.H. Refers CHRIST, MOSES ON ì THE MOUNT and UNKNOWN WARRIOR. Ypdf...
01/06/1945 5 JohannesburgDuncan Hall 45 1) Also DEZSO KOENIG, LEON LEVSON Npdf...
01/08/1948 6 PretoriaSchweikert Art Gallery -Brush and Chisel Club 1) HEAD OF A GIRL - wood 2) EMBRACE (THE KISS) - wood 3) DAWN - Bronze 4) JUDITH GLUCKMAN- Bronze 5) PEASANT GIRL - Marble 6) FIRST CONSCIOUSNESS - Bronze Ypdf...
21/02/1949 7 JohannesburgBeaux Arts Gallery - Brush and Chisel Club Npdf...
11/04/1951 8 JohannesburgBeaux Artd Gallery -Sanctum 1) Show of SANCTUM 2) Not really an exhibtion - really public viewing. So no catalogue expected. Ypdf...
19/02/1952 9 JohannesburgBeaux Arts Gallery 52 1) Shortly before overseas tour. 2) See News Paper Article Star 05/02/1952. pdfid 52. 3) See invitation at attached url. Also HWEC 009. 4) List of works onlt from VW typed document. No other reference. 1) PRIMEVAL KISS - Shamfuti wood 2) DAWN - Bronze 3) JOSEPH INTERPRETING A DREAM 4) PARTING, THE 5) SACRIFICE OF ISAAC Ypdf...
07/09/1952 10 New YorkNew Gallery - New York City Ypdf...
29/12/1952 11 East LondonAnn Bryant Art Gallery Ypdf...
02/03/1954 12 JohannesburgBeaux Arts Gallery 54 1) No catalogue. Only invite. LW 3/8/2010. Yet catalogue is marked as yes. 2) Where does work list come from? 2 sources of VW typed copies LW 3/8/2010 Ypdf...
28/09/1954 27 JohannesburgThe Transvaal Academy First Exhibition Npdf...
22/10/1954 13 JohannesburgBeaux Arts Gallery - Farewell Exhibition Ypdf...
24/05/1955 14 PretoriaVan Schaiks Gallery 1) PARTING, THE 2) SALOME 3) SACRIFICE OF ISAAC 4) CHAIM WEITMAN PORTRAIT 5) PEASANT GIRL 6) ETHEREAL LOVE 2 7) LABOLA 8) EVE BOSWELL (PORTRAIT) 9) NA Pretoria News 25/05/55. 10) NA Rand Daily Mail 01/06/55. Ypdf...
20/06/1955 15 BulowayoNaakes Gallery Bulowayo 1) Works CHAIM WEITZMANN (PORTRAIT) BUS RIDERS IN TEL AVIV 2) NA ?? Ypdf...
28/11/1957 16 WelkomWelkom Exhibition 1) NA Star 27/11/1957. 2) NA The Goldfields friend. 15/11/57 Ypdf...
13/04/1959 17 JohannesburgNew Queens Gallery - Bible in Sculpture 1) NA SA Jewish Times 17-4-59. 2) NA Die Transvaler 25-3-59. 3) NA The Star 17-4-59. Ypdf...
26/10/1959 18 JohannesburgQueens Gallery -Artist's Choice Exhibition 1) NA The STAR 20/10/59 2) 7/7/2010 Freya finds Invitation. Date is now as shown. Npdf...
01/11/1963 28 JohannesburgKessel and Bolton 1) Elegant furniture shop. 2) Exhibited at least SHOSHANAH DAMARI. VW says other artists ì too. Npdf...
02/05/1966 24 PretoriaRepublic Festival 1966 Art Exhibition 1) Representative of Most SA Artists Npdf...
11/03/1970 19 JohannesburgPresident Hotet 1) NA The Star 03/03/70 Ypdf...
01/04/1970 29 JohannesburgSA Association Arts Herbert Evans Npdf...
17/10/1971 20 JohannesburgCranbrooke Hotel - Memorial Exhibiiton 1) NA Rand Daily Mail 15/10/71 2) NA The Star 20/10/71 3) NA SA Jewish Times 29/10/71 4) NA The Star 15/10/71 V Wald Notes Combing Girl was actually Bathing Girl Ypdf...
08/01/1973 23 JohannesburgIsraeli Cavalcade 1) For YOM KIPPUR War Effort. 2) Work - The Argument - fibre glass Npdf...
26/03/1976 21 JohannesburgSladmore Exhibition - Retrospective 1) NA The Star 14/4/76 2) NA SA Jewish Times 19/3/76 3) NA The Star 1/4/76 Ypdf...
06/12/1979 22 JohannesburgMorris Gallery 1) NA Jewish Herald 4/12/79 2) NA Jewish Times 5/12/79 3) NA Rand Daily Mail 11/12/79 4) NA The Star 13/12/79 Ypdf...
18/05/1988 26 JohannesburgSA Zionist Federation book and art exhibition Npdf...
19/02/2012 31 Cape TownWings of the Shechinah Wings of the Shechinah Ypdf...